Day Three Hundred and Three – Plastic Trays

plastic trays

These trays lived on the counter in the last place we lived in, but really just collected… everything. Like a junk drawer but out in the open. Since we moved we haven’t used them at all, in fact they’ve just been in a box, so I don’t think we’ll be missing them!


Day Three Hundred and One – Foam Board Poster

foam board poster

I got this last year at the Toronto Print Show, they were giving them out as samples and I thought it was pretty cool. They can print on foam board, double sided even!

Anyway, now that it’s been sitting behind a dresser for a year… I’m coming to the realization that I’m not going to be putting it up anywhere…. and I’d much rather have a decluttered home than this poster.


Day Three Hundred… Again

Oh. My. Goodness! In my excitement of being Day 300 yesterday (sigh). I decided to make sure that Dec. 31 will in fact land on Day 365. Well, it didn’t. That would be day 366. After going through all my posts I found the problem… I posted twice on September 4! Ugh! That means that yesterday was day 299, and TODAY is day 300. So there we have it. As I posted twice on September 4, I will skip today to get my numbers right.


Day Three Hundred – Keyboard Box

Day 300! Woo! A milestone. I am completely impressed with myself for sticking to this and not missing even one day! Go me! Really seeing a difference in the house now and I’m loving it.

razer keyboard box

Now before you think to yourself… a box? Isn’t this just recycling? That’s cheating! Well. It’s not just a box. Okay well… it is just a box… But I kept it because I really like the packaging! (Okay I went to school for Graphic Design, it kind of makes sense). Anyway, I just really loved this box so I kept it. I have a keyboard and a mouse from this company, Razer, and I am quite impressed with their packaging… spot varnish on the box… a coloured lining… the pamphlets are diecut… just a lot of thought for something to hold the product. Anyway enough about that, it takes up quite a bit of space for an empty box so I’m letting it go… into the recycling it goes.


Day Two Hundred and Ninety Nine – … Stuff


I’ve been meaning to go through a box I have that I filled with a variety of printed material things from magazine cut outs and ads and whatever I found that was a good design and caught my attention. So I went through the whole box this morning and saved only the ones that I really really liked. So this big pile is stuff I don’t think I will miss.


Day Two Hundred and Ninety Eight – Game

NHL 09 Xbox Game

Oh boy I am tired! I fell asleep but got up before the day was over just to make this post. Here’s hoping you haven’t noticed my game, clothing item, game, clothing item pattern yet this week. I’ll try to broaden my variety for the upcoming week! Until then… here’s another game.


Day Two Hundred and Ninety Seven – Dress Shirt Sweater Thing

sweater dress

Whatever you want to call this… A dress? Long Shirt? Sweater? Sweater dress? I got it a couple years ago, just never really wore it… If I’m cold enough to wear something that’s warm and knitted… I need sleeves! Plus the built in belt never ends up at the right spot for me. I’m sure someone will like it for themselves. :) It is cute though! Just not for me… I’ve become a lot pickier with what clothes I buy though, especially after starting this blog.