Reflection on the Year

Now that the year is done and I’ve taken a few well deserved days off, I figure I should probably reflect on the year.

It was easy at first, but I won’t lie, at the end of January (yes the FIRST month) I was thinking, oh my goodness, what have I gotten myself into? I was really stuck but after a ton of support and encouragement (all year long) from Evan, and a lot of pushing myself, I got it done! The state of the house how it is now is about what I was expecting, and I’m pretty happy with it, although I am NOT done decluttering. I thought it would take me a while to start again this year but found I’m already decluttering more stuff already!

The reason I started decluttering is because I feel that the more stuff that is around the more unorganized and cluttered my brain feels (and I think a lot of people are like this). I’m much happier with the way our home is now. Also, it has made me a lot more critical of things coming into the house. I buy less, I accept less “does anyone want this?” offers.

I went around and took pictures of our newly decluttered home (yay!). All rooms are here except for the man cave, as we just got a new entertainment centre and it’s not quite finished and that room is a disaster! Hopefully it will be ready soon and I’ll add those pics :)

Oh, and to answer a question I’ve had before, “is there anything you regret getting rid of?” No. Nothing at all. Sometimes it took me a couple of months to realize I could let go of something, but there’s nothing that has left that I wish I hadn’t let go. Much happier with the extra space :).

If you want to declutter but don’t know where to start, contact me! I love to hear from fellow declutter…ers.

living roombedroombathroomlaundry room


office officedining roomkitchenkitchen